Today is the 1 year anniversary of the Hugs and Keepsakes blog. I really can't believe how quickly the time has gone by. When I started this blog, I really had no idea what I was doing....and I still don't. So I would like to thank those of you have been with me on this adventure no matter how rough the journey has been.
I can remember a wonderful teacher back in elementary school encouraging me and other students to have pen pals. She told us that the world was much bigger than the street that you live on. She wanted us to know that there were people out in the big world that may have cultural differences from you. You could learn great things from them and they from you. She also told us that in the most important ways, the world was small in the fact that we all share the most important commonalities. The biggest commonality is LOVE!
I see the internet and blogging as simply an advanced way of having pen pals. Since I've started this blog, I've had viewers visit my blog page from over 83 countries as well as my regular visitors from my own United States. My most frequent, return, International visitors are from the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Indonesia, Phillipines, France, India, Spain, Germany, Italy, Mexico and the Netherlands. I am waving hello to all of you and sending you all big HUGS. I'm thrilled that you enjoy stopping by often. Although, I stopped having an open section for comments, I must say I have enjoyed chatting with some of you via email and I have also had the opportunity to become prayer partners with some of you. It has truly been such a pleasure.
On this 1 year Blog-a-versary, I wanted to share with you that I was nominated for a VERSATILE BLOG AWARD by the lovely Debbie over at blackdollcollecting.blogspot.com I would like to thank her for the nomination. Debbie has a wonderful blog and she is also one of my very first blog friends. Big hugs to you!
As a recipient of the Versatile Blog Award, I am suppposed to share 7 things about myself and then pass the award on to other bloggers. Because of the time restraints that I am facing today, I thought that I would do something a bit VERSATILE.......... so I will only be sharing 1 thing about myself and passing the award on to 1 other blogger.
The 1 thing that I am sharing about myself is that ever since the earthquake disaster in Haiti occured, I have had a desire to make and send some rag dolls to the children of Haiti to comfort them but I didn't know how to go about making that possible. Since then I have learned about a wonderful program that accomplishes this task by having volunteers sew dolls and send them in. I am currently in the process of sewing a few dolls to send in. There is even an easy free pattern for people like myself who are beginners at sewing. I learned about this from Sarah over at dollydonations.blogspot.com Sarah is the lovely lady that I will be passing the Versatile Blog Award on to. I would like to thank her for coming up with such an awe inspiring blog that is being used to reach out to touch the hearts of little children. Above I have posted a few dolly pictures from her blog.
Until next time......HAPPY BLOG-A-VERSARY!